The GoKoBra buggy is a reliable quality product and hand built with the best materials and parts available.
The buggy comes with 2 spare wheels, a jack in case you get stuck or have to replace your wheel because of a puncture, the "fixed" spare parts on the buggy like an additional light weight super B lithium battery, second fuel pump, dynamo, steering rod, front and rear upright. All of these mounted in the buggy so you have the parts available during the race.
The price of the GoKoBra buggy "ready to race" and a 100% copy of the buggy used by Kees Koolen and Jurgen van den Goorbergh to participate and finish the Dakar 2012 rally is 148.000 euros.
This price is excluding all taxes (like VAT but also for example import or luxury taxes in your country), shipping, your own chair, tools and spare parts.
Included in the price are 2 spare wheels, a jack, high pressure oxygene bottle to inflate the tyres and the main spare parts which are connected to the car during the race like steering rod, generator and belt, 2nd battery, 2nd fuel pump, rear and front ball joint, front hub, homokinetic.
Furthermore, GoKoBra is able to provide you with spare parts, service or training for riding skills or rally raid participation whenever you want.
Please contact us for more information.